Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Another one?

We went for ice cream yesterday.  He got down to the bottom of the cone and noticed a fourth color had joined his rainbow sherbet.  Blood red.  His tooth was just dangling there.

On Saturday, he casually mentioned that he planned to learn to tie his shoes in the 20 minutes before dinner.  And he did it.  And he's tied them on his own every day since.

What's up for tomorrow, O?   Growing a mustache?  Are you trying to make me do the embarrassing cry?


Unknown said...

Oh my! He looks older every single minute

Unknown said...

Oh my! He looks older every single minute

Anonymous said...

This makes me cry too! We need to facetime. I can't believe I missed this major event!!!!!!! Boo Hoo!!!!!!

pb said...

Owen is losing his teeth fast and it makes him look so grown up. Cute little guy!

Coach said...

What, losing teeth and tying shoes almost on the same day? That is almost too much to take as a parent and a grandparent! He needs to slow up a little and let us digest these things a little at a time; plus he will be in kindergarten in less than a month.