Saturday, August 15, 2009


Scott almost didn't believe the insurance company rep was serious when she called to schedule the appointment.

"Yes, sir. I know it seems like a strange request for a 1-year-old, but we've done it before. Maybe they can use one of his diapers or something."

But Owen sat right down on the potty and gave his urine sample like it wasn't the weirdest thing we had ever asked him to do. I could just imagine that what he was thinking. Hmmm, so it's not okay to throw a cup, but Mommy and Daddy cheer like lunatics when I pee in one...

If he tests positive for women's fertility drugs I will be so disappointed in him.


Coach said...

He is growing up and is learning to do more things everyday. That is why you don't want to miss a thing...document, document, document. If you get a chance to see the movie Time Traveler, you will see how a movie camera is used as a way at the end of the movie to show how the use of them is sort of like traveling back in time. This blog of yours will be such a precious thing for Owen, you and Scott to look back on as he gets older as it will for all of us. You don't have to worry about him testing positive. If he does you will have an even bigger story to tell on his blog.

Grandma DD said...

Hey, was this because of the rear-end accident? He is ready for sure for potty training. Here goes another a milestone.

Joe said...

I thought Owen was looking a lot stronger than usual lately... steroids. He must play for the Red Sox.