It's still not finished, but I wanted to go ahead and share some pics of the kitchen. I think we've put nearly 100 hours of work into it so far, which makes me think the before and afters should be MUCH more dramatic than they are. I swear I got confused a few times and had them backwards. Sigh.
We painted the upper and lower cabinets, walls and trim. We took out the ceiling fan and changed the lighting. We removed the soffit above the sink (along with that scroll doohickey that looked more like punctuation than an architectural feature). And we filled and re-drilled the cabinets for new hardware.
Meh. Not a very dramatic difference here, and yet I still feel compelled to share.
For the back of the open shelves, I hot glued some Ikea fabric to foamboard and wedged it in. I'm still shocked that I got away with it. From even a short distance the shelves look wallpapered. And I'm thinking I could have a taller kitchen window now!
... I heard that Scott.
I always thought that ceiling fan looked like a giant spider on the ceiling. It even had a little maroon tassel that hung down and would tickle you on the back of your neck if you backed into it. Then we hung the new baby chandelier over the kitchen sink, and I was amused to discover it reminded me a little of a spider too. A good sparkly spider.
The remaining to-do list:
- Paint rest of trim
- Paint inside of upper cabinets
- Paint pantry and desk area
- Fix place on cabinet where I just rammed my chair
- Finish painting walls and remaining soffits
Dream to-do list:
- Skip painting soffits and go after them with sledgehammer instead
- Send neon white dishwasher and refrigerator out to pasture
Owen and Solomon with their matching left winged hair at the zoo yesterday.