Monday, April 23, 2012


Owen acts a bit like a Labrador at the beach. He runs into the surf barking insults at the waves...

And then there's the digging...

He chased a few birds too, but I'm happy to report we didn't have to scoop up after him at any point. I even commented to Scott that maybe life would be simpler with our little guy if we just accepted that he's more like a yard dog than a house dog.

The weather kept us indoors Saturday and Sunday, but we braved 15-20 mph winds today to get back out on the beach; that's Owen taking refuge from blowing sand above. (I just asked Scott for his estimate of the wind speed, and he said it was a three-club wind. Such a golfer brain.)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Anonymous said...

What a difference a few years makes. I remember when he didn't want the water to touch him or the sand! Glad you are having a good time. Love and kisses to all.

Coach said...

Owen seems to have so much fun with life; you can see his vivid imagination in everything he does. I wonder where he gets that from, Shelley?